Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Curator, IU Paleontology Collections
A primary focus of my research is to evaluate evolutionary processes in the paleotropics.
Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Curator, IU Paleontology Collections
A primary focus of my research is to evaluate evolutionary processes in the paleotropics.
Ph.D. 2019
My research is titled Modern methods of stratigraphic analysis as applied to Bed III and Bed IV, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.
Graduate Student
Tziporah Ladin-Gross is focusing on Underwater Archaeology through the Center of Underwater Science with Professor Beeker, and on the effects of climate change on coral health through the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences with Dr. Claudia Johnson.
Ph.D 2018
My dissertation research utilized geohistorical data from mollusc shells and ceramic sherds to examine the archaeology and paleoenvironment of pre-colonial, coastal settlements in the Dominican Republic.
Post-doctoral Researcher
My research focuses on evaluating patterns of evolution and paleoecology of extinct taxa, specifically with Late Cretaceous rudist bivalves and Middle Pennsylvanian conodonts.