Research Grants
Federal |
NSF 8/1/17 - 7/30/19; $149,387; Motz, G., Johnson, C.C., Polly, P.D. Title: Digitization PEN: Paleoniches on the western Cincinnati arch, the Ordovician of Indiana |
IMLS – Institute of Museum and Library Services MA-30-16-0458-16; 10/1/16 - 9/30/18, $112,505; Motz, G., Polly, P.D., and Johnson, C.C. Title: ACCESSioning at Indiana University: Promoting Digital Access and (Re-) Discovery of the IU Paleontology Collection. |
NSF EAR 9/1/09-8/31/13, $475,302, Schieber, L., Johnson, C.C., Polly, P.D., and Elswick, E. R., Title: Infrastructure upgrade, curation and data basing of Indiana University collections. |
USAID, 10/2010–12/2011, $100,000, Beeker, C.D., Conrad, G., Johnson, C.C., and key personnel A. Budziak, F. Hanselmann, N. Wiegand, E. Kauffman, Z. Bonilla. Title: Living Museums of the Sea: A Network of Marine Protected Areas in SE Dominican Republic. |
USAID, 9/08-8/10, $200,000. Beeker, C.D., Conrad, G., Johnson, C.C., and key personnel A. Budziak, F. Hanselmann, N. Wiegand, E. Kauffman, Z. Bonilla. Title: Living Museums of the Sea: A Network of Marine Protected Areas in SE Dominican Republic. |
NSF SGER, 8/1/07 – 7/31/08. $10,000, Kauffman, E.G., Elswick, E.R., and Johnson, C.C. Title: A Search for the Oldest Metazoan Trace Fossils in the Northern Hemisphere. |
NSF SGER, 7/1/2002-6/30/2003, $20,382, Johnson, C.C. Title: Sequence stratigraphy and paleocommunity analysis of an Oligocene reef tract, Lares Limestone, Puerto Rico. |
NSF EAR, 12/31/2001-6/30/2002, $15,000, Johnson, C.C. Supplemental award. |
NSF EAR, 8/1/2000–6/30/2002, $75,000, Johnson, C.C. Title: Comparative role of scleractinian corals and ancient rudist bivalves in Cretaceous reefs: Implications for changes in reef composition in a future greenhouse world. |
NSF EAR, 2/95-12/97, $200,000, Johnson, C.C., Kauffman, E.G., Barron, E.J., Arthur, M.A. Title: Testing the hypothesis of a Cretaceous supertropical climate zone in the Caribbean Province: Do climate simulations and observational data support the concept of tropical stability? |
Non-Federal |
National Geographic, 2008, $80,000. Beeker, C.D., Conrad, G., Johnson, C.C. and key personnel A. Budziak, F. Hanselmann. Title: Shipwreck! Captain Kidd. |
Research |
Institute for Advanced Study IU, Individual Research Award, Johnson, C.C., 2014-2016, $3000. |
IU HPER FRSP, 12/08-1/10. $25,000, Bonilla-Vega, Z., Johnson, C.C., Edwards, P.D., and Ona, F. Title: Community-based participatory research, community health, and the use of underwater resources in the SE of the Dominican Republic: Exploring the Nexus. |
IU Overseas Research Grant, Office VP for International Affairs, 12/08-11/09, $2,000, Johnson, C.C., Title: Investigation of Environmental Conditions Favorable to the Sustainability of Modern Reefs. |
IU Grant-in-Aid of Research, 2008, $2,500, Johnson, C.C. Title: Biological Assessment of Coral Cover for the Establishment of a Marine Preserve, Dominican Republic. |
IU Multidisciplinary Ventures and Seminars Fund, 8/08-9/09, $6,250, Schieber, L., Polly, P. D., Johnson, C.C., and Elswick, E.R. Title: Natural History Collections in 21st Century Scholarship, Education and Outreach: An Integrative Seminar across Time and Space. |
IU Multidisciplinary Ventures and Seminars Fund, 2005, $5,500, Dalkilic, M.M., Elswick, E.R., and Johnson, C.C. Title: Resource Preservation and Development: Integrating Informatics and Geological Sciences to Initiate Global-Scale Paleoclimate Research. |
Teaching |
Johnson, C.C. IU CITL Summer Writing Teaching Grants 2012-13, $1500. |
Research Publications
Published |
Zimmerman, A.N., Johnson, C.C., Bussberg, N.W. et al. Stability and decline in deep-sea coral biodiversity, Gulf of Mexico and US West Atlantic. Coral Reefs (2020). DOI |
Zimmerman, A.Z., Johnson, C.C., Polly, P.D., 2018. Taxonomic and evolutionary pattern revisions resulting from geometric morphometric analysis of Pennsylvanian Neognathodus conodonts, Illinois Basin. Paleobiology 44(4):1-24. DOI |
Jenne, M., Dalkilic, M.M., and Johnson, Johnson, C.C., 2016. Employing Software Engineering Principles to Enhance Analysis of Coral Reef Databases. Proceedings Volume, 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu, p. 404-413. |
Johnson, C.C., Njau, J.K., Van Damme, D., Schick, K., and Toth, N. 2016. Paleoecologic significance of malacofauna, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Palaios 31(6):319-326. |
Jenne, M., Zimmerman, A., Kurban, H., Johnson, C.C., and Dalkilic, M.M. 2016. Employing software engineering principles to enhance management of climatological datasets for coral reef analysis. In A. Banerjee, W. Ding, J. Dy, V. Lyubchich, A. Rhines (Eds.), I. Ebert-Uphoff, C. Monteleoni, D. Nychka (Series Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Climate Informatics: CI 2016. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-529+PROC, Sept 2016. ISBN 978-0-9973543-1-2. |
Maus, M.J., Beeker, C.D., Wasylenki, L.E., and Johnson, C.C. 2014. Preliminary analysis of 16th-Century wrought iron: Caballo Blanco, Dominican Republic. In C. Dagneau and K. Gauvin, Eds., ACUA Underwater Archaeology Proceedings 2014, p. 207-216. |
Simonelli, G.A., Johnson, C.C., Elswick, E.R., Kauffman, E G., Eble, C.F., and Hasiotis, S.T. 2013. Sedimentology, geochemistry and paleobiology of a Pennsylvanian marginal marine depositional environment, Mansfield Formation, Indiana, USA. Indiana Geological Survey Occasional Paper 71, p. 1-18. |
Kay, R.F., Hunt, K.D., Beeker, C.D., Conrad, G.W., Johnson, C.C., and Keller, J. 2011. Preliminary notes on a newly discovered skull of the extinct monkey Antillothrix from Hispaniola and the origin of the Greater Antillean monkeys. Journal of Human Evolution 60(1):124-128. |
Elswick, E.R. and Johnson, C.C. 2010. Evaluation of a siliciclastic diamictite from the Maya Mountains of Belize. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29:676-684. DOI |
Liu, F., Le, C., McKnight-Whitford, A., Xia, Y., Wu, F., Elswick, E., Johnson, C.C., and Zhu, C. 2010. Antimony speciation and contamination of waters in the Xikuangshan antimony mining and smelting area, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 32(5):401-413. |
Puchalski, S.S., Johnson, C.C., Kauffman, E.G., and Eernisse, D.J., 2009. A new genus and two new species of multiplacophoran chitons, Mississippian (Chesterian), Indiana Journal of Paleontology 83(3):422-430. |
Kauffman, E.G. and Johnson, C.C. 2009. Cretaceous warm climates. In Gornitz, V., Editor, Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments, Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, Springer, p. 213-217. |
Puchalski, S.S. and Johnson, C.C. 2008. Preservation potential of Katharina tunicata and Mopalia muscosa (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) on two rocky shores of San Juan Island, Washington, USA. Lethaia 42:167-178. |
Puchalski, S.S., Eernisse, D.J. and Johnson, C.C. 2008. The effect of sampling bias on the fossil record of chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora). American Malacological Bulletin 25:87-95. |
Johnson, C.C. and Kauffman, E.G. 2007. Notes on the Perkins Rudist Collection at PRI. American Paleontologist 15(3):21. |
Johnson, C.C. and Kauffman, E.G. 2006. "Bivalve, rudist" In AccessScience@McGraw-Hill, website. | DOI |
Hirano, H. and Johnson, C.C. 2003, Editors, Land-Ocean Interactions of Carbon Cycle and Bio-diversity Change during the Cretaceous in Asia.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 21(8):803-977. Includes 15 refereed papers. |
Hirano, H. and Johnson, C.C. 2003. Introduction. In Hirano, H., and Johnson, C. (eds.), Land-Ocean Interactions of Carbon Cycle and Bio-diversity Change during the Cretaceous in Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 21(8):803-805. |
Details |
Johnson, C.C., Sanders, D., Kauffman, E.G., and Hay, W.W. 2002. Patterns and processes influencing Upper Cretaceous reefs. In Kiessling, W., Flugel, R., and Golonka, J (eds.) Phanerozoic Reef Patterns. Society for Sedimentary Geology, Special Publication 72, p. 549-585. |
Johnson, C.C. 2002. The Rise and Fall of Rudist Reefs. American Scientist 90:150-155. |
Johnson, C.C. 2002. Reply to Wolfe’s Editorial Comment in Letters Section. American Scientist, 91. |
Johnson, C.C. and Kauffman, E.G. 2001. Cretaceous evolution of reef ecosystems: A regional synthesis of the Caribbean tropics. In Stanley, G. D., Jr. (ed.) The History and Sedimentology of Ancient Reef Ecosystems. Topics in Geobiology Series, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, p. 311-349. |
Kauffman, E.G., Herm, D., Johnson, C.C., Harries, P., and Hofling, R. 2000. The ecology of Cenomanian lithistid sponge frameworks, Regensburg area, Germany. Lethaia 33: 214-235. |
Johnson, C.C. 2000. Review of: The Pattern of Evolution, by Niles Eldredge, W.H. Freeman. Journal of Geoscience Education 48(5):716-717. |
Johnson, C.C. 1999. Evolution of Cretaceous surface current circulation patterns, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. In Barrera, E., and Johnson, C.C. (eds.) Evolution of the Cretaceous Ocean-Climate System. Geological Society of America Special Paper 332, p. 329-343. |
Poulsen, C.J., Barron, E.J., Johnson, C.C., and Fawcett, P.J. 1999. Links between major climatic factors and regional oceanic circulation in the mid-Cretaceous. In Barrera, E., and Johnson, C. C. (eds.) Evolution of the Cretaceous Ocean-Climate System. Geological Society of America Special Paper 332, p. 73-90. |
Barrera, E., and Johnson, C.C., Co-Editors, 1999. Evolution of the Cretaceous Ocean-Climate System. Geological Society of America Special Paper 332, 445pp. |
Barrera, E., and Johnson, C.C. 1999. Preface. In Barrera, E., and Johnson, C.C. (eds.) Evolution of the Cretaceous Ocean-Climate System. Geological Society of America Special Paper 332, p. vii-viii. |
Johnson, C.C., Kauffman, E.G., and Barron, E.J. 1997. Tropical boundary fluctuations in the Caribbean Cretaceous. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, Volume II; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Republic of Panama, p. 1677-1680. |
Kauffman, E.G., and Johnson, C.C. 1997. Ecological evolution of Jurassic-Cretaceous Caribbean reefs. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, Volume II; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Republic of Panama, p. 1669-1676. |
Johnson, C.C. 1996. Middle Cretaceous reef collapse linked to ocean heat transport: Comment and Reply. Geology 25:478. |
Johnson, C.C., Barron, E.J., Kauffman, E.G., Arthur, M.A., Fawcett, P.J., and Yasuda, M.K. 1996. Mid-Cretaceous reef collapse linked to ocean heat transport. Geology 24:376-380. |
Johnson, C.C., and Kauffman, E.G. 1996. Maastrichtian extinction patterns of Caribbean Province rudistids. In MacLeod, N., and Keller, G., (eds.) The Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction: Biotic and Environmental Events. W.W. Norton and Co, p. 231-273. |
Johnson, C.C. and Kauffman, E.G. 1990. Originations, radiations and extinctions of Cretaceous rudistid bivalve species in the Caribbean Province. In Kauffman, E.G., and Walliser, O.H. (eds.), Extinction Events in Earth History, p. 305-324. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. |
Kauffman, E.G. and Johnson, C.C. 1988. The morphological and ecological evolution of middle and Upper Cretaceous reef-building rudistids. Palaios, Reefs Issue 3:194-216. |
Johnson, C.C., Collins, L.S. and Kauffman, E.G. 1988. Rudistid biofacies across the El Abra Formation (Late Albian(?), Early-Middle Cenomanian), Northeastern Mexico. Transactions of the 11th Caribbean Geological Conference, Barbados, 1:1-1:12. |
Sageman, B.B. and Johnson, C.C. 1985. Stratigraphy and paleobiology of the Lincoln Limestone Member, Greenhorn Limestone, Rock Canyon Anticline, Colorado. In Pratt, L.M., Kauffman, E.G., and Zelt, F. (eds.), Fine-grained deposits and biofacies of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: Evidence of Cyclic Sedimentary Processes, p. 100-109. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Field Trip Guidebook, No. 9. Tulsa, OK. |
Sageman, B.B. and Johnson, C.C. 1985. Field Reference Section, Lincoln Limestone Member, Greenhorn Limestone, North Bank, Arkansas River, Rock Canyon Anticline. In Pratt, L.M., Kauffman, E.G., and Zelt, F. (eds.), Fine-grained deposits and biofacies of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: Evidence of Cyclic Sedimentary Processes, p. 7-8. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Field Trip Guidebook, No. 9. Tulsa, OK. |